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Treasury & Capital Markets
Volatility a major concern for corporate treasurers
Market volatility is a major concern for corporate treasurers, but the key to overcoming this challenge is managing corporate risks well and ensuring liquidity.
The Asset 11 May 2016
Market volatility is a major concern for corporate treasurers, but the key to overcoming this challenge is managing corporate risks well and ensuring liquidity. 
This was the consensus of senior corporate treasurers during a panel discussion at The Asset 2nd Asia Treasury & Trade Summit, a gathering of corporate treasurers, held at the Four Seasons Hotel, Hong Kong.
“Volatility is not everyone’s enemy. We have seen a lot of volatility in China, but the volatility now is not comparable to the volatility we experienced in 1997. We focus on credit risk,” says Denis Ecknauer, APAC region treasurer for ABB.
“Volatility and liquidity are two main concerns in the capital market. We need to diversify our liquidity and to deal with volatility. What’s most important is the tool that will allow us to get liquidity,” says Abdul Halim Saleh, senior vide president, treasury and capital markets at Cagamas.

“The world is becoming more connected but risk is not a bad thing. It’s about how we manage the risk. We take a portfolio approach to deal with volatility,” says Ed Lam, chief financial officer of Li& Fung. 

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