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The Asset successfully concludes 2nd ETF Asia Summit in Taipei
The Asset successfully concluded its 2nd ETF Asia Summit 2016 in Taipei, Taiwan bringing together investors, asset managers and product innovators to discuss and debate the factors influencing the development of the ETF market in Asia.
The Asset 14 Jun 2016
The Asset 2nd ETF Asia Summit 2016 - Taiwan
The Asset successfully concluded its 2nd ETF Asia Summit 2016 in Taipei, Taiwan bringing together investors, asset managers and product innovators to discuss and debate the factors influencing the development of the ETF market in Asia.
Held at the Le Meridien Hotel Taipei, discussion points at the one-day strategic summit covered a wide range of topics from ETF robo advisory to the rise of factor-based ETFs. Discussions were conducted in various formats from panels to one-on-one conversations.
Industry leaders from major asset management firms in the US and Japan attended the summit as speakers and delegates and shared their insights on the growth of the ETF market. Keynote speakers included Dr. Tien-Mu Huang, vice chairman of Taiwan’s financial supervisory commission, Sush-Der-Lee, chairman of the Taiwan Stock Exchange and Won-Dae Kim, president and CEO of KOSPI.
Asian interest for ETFs has picked up over the last few years as investors look at cost-effective and transparent methods to generate yield in their portfolios. This kind of investor sentiment has led to a flurry of Asian ETF activities in 2016 starting with the launch of new ETFs as well as exotic ETF products.
While the Asian ETF industry has impressively grown in size to US$350 billion, it has a long way to go to have a significant impact on the overall global US$3 trillion ETF market.
To follow the action on the ground at the 2nd ETF Asia Summit – Taiwan please click here to go to our live site.
Press coverage 新聞報導
In boosting ETF, Korea further eases listing process
The South Korean bourse operator vowed easier listing procedures for exchange traded funds, reducing to just 20 days the period for reviewing applications as opposed to 45 days previously.


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