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SAL partners Chip Mong Group in Southeast Asia push
QR AgoraCloud to be deployed across retail outlets in Cambodia
The Asset 26 Jun 2024

Silverlake Axis Ltd (SAL), a Singapore-listed fintech and digital banking solutions provider, is expanding its presence in Southeast Asia through a partnership with Cambodian conglomerate Chip Mong Group.

Under this partnership, SAL’s QR AgoraCloud digital solution will be deployed across nine general merchandise stores and two express stores of Chip Mong Retail.

The digital offering comprises merchandising and material management, omnichannel and supplier collaboration functionalities designed to meet the diverse needs of a supermarket chain.

The deal with Chip Mong Group builds on SAL’s strategic alliances with other major institutions across the region, including KMS Solutions in Vietnam, Safeguards Corp in Malaysia, and Bank Mandiri Taspen in Indonesia, to enhance access to digital financial services.

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