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Insurer Swiss Re Asia appoints chair
Deanna Ong replaces retiring Lim Siong Guan while Victor Kuk, Daisy Ning step up
The Asset 5 May 2023

Swiss Re has appointed Deanna Ong as the chairperson of the board of directors for Swiss Re Asia, succeeding Lim Siong Guan in guiding the Asia business forward. Ong also serves as a director of both Swiss Re Asia and Swiss Re.

Lim Siong Guan, who has chaired the board since its establishment in 2018, will retire.

As well, Paul Murray, who was appointed as CEO of life and health reinsurance in April 2023, will step down from his duties as CEO of Swiss Re Asia.

This change will see Victor Kuk, head of property and casualty reinsurance for SID  Southeast Asia, India, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan  take on the additional appointment of Swiss Re Asia CEO, with Daisy Ning, head of life and health reinsurance for Asia-Pacific, assuming Victor Kuk's former role as the chief executive of the company’s Hong Kong Branch.

Ning will be supported by the branch committee in her duties. Both appointments are effective July 1 2023.

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