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Equinix expands bare-metal-as-a-service hubs
Osaka, Melbourne additions to meet growing need for low-latency digital infrastructure
The Asset 15 Feb 2023

Digital infrastructure company Equinix has expanded its bare-metal-as-a-service access hubs in Asia-Pacific to include Osaka and Melbourne in addition to existing ones in Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo. This is part of its efforts to support increasing demand in the region for the service, which deploys a dedicated physical infrastructure (bare metal) to a client's on-site server room.

The appetite for market expansion remains strong despite a fluctuating business environment that includes market uncertainty and supply-chain disruptions. As well, 82% of Asia-Pacific businesses, according to the company’s 2022 Global Tech Trends Survey, plan on expanding into new markets over the next 12 months.

While global enterprises seeking to capture market share and entry into new business territories are required to build their own digital infrastructure, they face challenges in committing to digital technology spending amid the uncertain economic environment.

With its Equinix Metal service, the company says, businesses can tap into its digital infrastructure globally and leverage its tools “to deploy, maintain and scale their applications to create digital advantages through the world's largest interconnected technology ecosystem”.

“The launch in Osaka and Melbourne meets the growing need for private low-latency digital infrastructure,” notes Anthony Ho, director, product and platform marketing, Equinix Asia-Pacific. “By offering on-demand and flexible interconnectivity in both metropolitan nodes, enterprises connecting through the ecosystem can effectively scale and test their expansion feasibility in new markets without superfluous talent and financial commitments.” 

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