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AXA IM appoints four to investment institute
Specialists to advise on macroeconomics, climate change, biodiversity, natural resources
The Asset 22 Feb 2023

AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) has appointed four prominent external members – Olivier Blanchard, Nigel Topping, Marie-Christine Korniloff and Nicolas Loz De Coetgourhang – to the advisory committee of its recently launched AXA IM Investment Institute.  They will provide expertise and insights on a range of topics, including macroeconomics, climate change, biodiversity and natural resources.

Blanchard, a former economic counsellor and research director for the International Monetary Fund, is currently an emeritus professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. He will advise on macroeconomics.

Topping, a policy adviser and former climate champion for COP26, will advise on climate.

Korniloff, who is the director of corporate engagement, and Loz De Coetgourhang, who is the head of sustainable business practices, at the World Wildlife Fund in France, will both advise on nature and biodiversity.

The AXA IM Investment Institute, it says, “seeks to help clients and portfolio managers make better informed decisions through insights on the short- and long-term trends affecting the global macroeconomic and investment outlook, covering asset class views, macroeconomics, sustainability and future trends”.

The external members will attend the advisory committee bi-annually to discuss the key macro and research themes to be covered by the institute, and complement the research AXA IM’s experts already provide. The committee consists of representatives from across AXA IM’s investment teams and senior members of the macroeconomic, ESG (environmental, social and governance) and quant lab research teams.

“With geopolitical uncertainty, an inflationary environment and recessions likely, it is essential now, more than ever, for clients and our portfolio managers investing client money to access expert views,” points out Chris Iggo, chair of the AXA IM Investment Institute and CIO of AXA IM Core. “The new members of the committee will bring renowned expertise to help shape our ways of thinking, so we can cut through today’s complexities and ensure we’re ahead of future challenges and opportunities for the benefit of investors.”

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