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UBS moves to new state-of-the-art office in the heart of the city
The move will bring UBS employees currently working at One Raffles Quay and Suntec City under one roof to enhance collaboration and offer new capacity for future growth
The Asset 17 Apr 2019

UBS has plans to bring together its Singapore-based businesses to a new UBS office campus in the heart of the city. The facility will provide UBS clients with enhanced access to UBS's integrated wealth management, investment bank, asset management and global banking expertise.

As part of UBS’s commitment to the environment, the new building is energy-efficient and built with high-quality environmentally-friendly materials. In recognition of its sustainable credentials, the building has been awarded Singapore’s BCA Green Mark Platinum certification.

The move will bring together employees from different offices, into a 381,000 square feet prime property at 9 Penang Road that features customized health and well-being facilities as well as innovative future workplace concepts. UBS plans to move into 9 Penang Road in the second half of 2020.

August Hatecke, country head of UBS Singapore says: “The new premises will also be home to the UBS University which provides training and development programs for employees across the region."

The new building is centrally located and within easy reach of the main transit lines. Set in the Orchard shopping belt, the offices are close to expansive gardens and offer easy access to the lush greenery of Fort Canning Park as well as Singapore's heritage and civic districts. 

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Rebecca Lim
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